Dive Report 23 June

Water temperatures varied from seventy-eight to eighty-four! I was actually shivering at one point. We dived the east bridge as there were only two or three fishermen on the bridge and my students said they were up for a little exercise. We entered the water from west of the swimming area and swam our way over to the little east bridge going under the moored sailboats. It is often worth the swim as we frequently see some interesting critters. This time it was a web burrfish just hanging around an indentation in the sand. It let us get a close look without leaving. The schools of baitfish under the bridge were enormous. Interestingly, I saw no barracuda under the bridge; I think that is the first time I have not seen them there. We saw a ten-inch pale yellow eel behaving as sharptail eels hunt and feed so I believe it was a sharptail juvenile. As on Sunday, we finished our one hour sixteen minute dive, got the gear in the car, and the heavens opened with a light show. Good timing (maybe luck). I have to mention that one of the students, after swimming to and from the east bridge around the swim area, returned with 2100psi. I couldn't believe it. It was certainly better than I did! Get in the water, Ham

Dive Report 22 June

It was a five-wow dive for several divers as some incredible critters were observed! Carrie and two Discover Scuba students saw a striated frogfish! Uncommon in Florida! Several divers and snorkelers saw a big manatee that swam south about ten feet from the seawall. Magnificent beast. One snorkeler just about jumped out of the water. The water temperature was eighty-one and the vis was ten to fifteen feet depending on how many divers one was following and how closely. It can be crowded on a Sunday. But to see a frogfish and a manatee at the Blue Heron Boulevard Bridge - Wow! Worth the short vis. We picnicked as long as Mother Nature would allow. Typical summer pattern: nice clear morning, building heat and clouds, thunderstorms in the afternoon. We had pretty much just finished eating when the light show and fresh water rinse started. Thanks to everyone who came. Thanks for bringing goodies. It is always a joy to see everyone, especially those we have not seen for awhile. Hope to see you all next time which will be Sunday, July 20 for a 10:23 high tide. What a great day it was! Ham

Dive Report 20 June

Gorgeous day at the bridge! Web burrfish, two flying gurnards side-by-side, a delightful juvenile french angelfish, and yet another bandtail searobin just off the beach! Great dive. The water temperature was between eighty-two and eighty-four. The vis started out in the thirty feet range, but fell off significantly after slack. That might be a result of the severe thunderstorms that dump two or three inches of rain at a pop. Anyway, lots of great things to see were there. Hope to see you Sunday for the 11:25 high tide. Get there early if you are coming; Phil Foster is a popular place on a Sunday. Ham

Dive Report 8 June

Beautiful day at the bridge! Vis was forty feet. Water temperature was eighty-two! Batfish, bandtail searobins, and many of the usual suspects were there for the viewing. Picnic reminder for Sunday June 22. High tide that day is 11:25. Because it is a Sunday, plan on arriving early! Hope to see you all there, Ham