Dive Report 15 January 2009

Again, what a difference twenty-four hours can make! Yesterday an open water student and I were at the bridge in seventy-five degree water with thirty feet of vis. Today was another story. Under a cloudy sky we had "teeeen" (a stretched ten) feet of vis in seventy-TWO degree water. Three degrees makes a difference. My student was cold today whereas yesterday we were in the water substantially longer and were comfortable. Oh well. Winter is here. In a 5mm wetsuit with a 3mm hooded vest I was comfortable. My student wore two 3mm suits with a 3mm beanie. She was chilled after almost an hour in the water so I suppose that isn't too bad. Maybe because the vis was so incredible yesterday we didn't think about the temperature of the water. We were in the water over two hours yesterday. Winter coming doesn't seem to phase the critters. There are plenty of fish and arrowline crabs and banded coral shrimp and blennies and gobies. We watched a juvenile gray angelfish clean an atlantic spadefish. Today we started with a juvenile spotted eagle ray right next to the beach as we did our pre-dive check. The diving is still great! Are you tough enough? Get in the water, Ham