Dive Report 18 June

On a clear day...... Wow! Forty to fifty feet of vis at the bridge. We could see the shadows of a set of pilings from another set of pilings; they are one hundred feet apart. In my three millimeter wetsuit (no hooded vest) I was almost too warm; I may wear just a skin next time. The water temperature was eighty-four. [Water temperature offshore today was eighty-one on the bottom.] Heather, a fellow instructor who also lives under the bridge as I do, said she had seen three frogfish under the fishing pier. There were only a couple of people on the pier, and we don't interfere with their fishing if we are directly under the pier, so a student and I searched for the frogfish. We found one on the northern side about halfway out the pier. It was a gorgeous striated frogfish. My student and I were thrilled. The late afternoon sun gives the bridge fantastic lighting so we could see well out into the boat channel WITHOUT GOING INTO IT. (We see some divers doing that from time to time. Not a good idea. Stupid comes to mind.) Anyway, if the park allowed "buff diving" (some people do that believe it or not - with scuba gear!) now would be the time to do it if that is how one likes to dive; it's warm enough! Get in the water, Ham