Dive Report 9 August

What a great dive day for the Jupiter Drift Divers dive/picnic! We started off with breakfast goodies and coffee to make sure we would get a good spot for gear set up and picnicking. At about 10:40 we entered the eighty-eight degree water to enjoy the twenty feet of vis. Divers were entertained by the batfish, flying gurnards, highhats, gray angels of all sizes, and myriad other fish and critters. One of my buddies, Steve, and I wore no exposure suits; I was glad I didn't wear my 3mm wetsuit because it was just too warm for me. Carrie was fine in her worn-out, but comfortable-and-hate-to-throw-it-away 3mm wetsuit. The post-dive picnic was fabulous as many divers brought salads and desserts to supplement the grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. By one count there were 47 participants. A special thanks to Veronica and Stan who contribute so much to making the Jupiter Drift Divers a very active and fun club. Check out the link and join if you are not already a member! Get in the water, Ham