Dive Report 20 September

The water is still wonderfully warm at eighty-six degrees. In addition, the vis was exceptional at better than twenty feet in some places. We entered the water about forty minutes before slack high tide to beat the rush of divers. On our one hour, twenty minute dive we saw practically nobody and had the clear water. There are several blue angelfish juveniles out by the boat channel in gorgeous yellow and blue. A good-sized school of Atlantic spadefish has greeted us out there the last several times we've gone. We see mantis shrimp on a pretty regular basis. One batfish was between the solid bridge support and the third set of pillars. Doing the early morning dives on the weekend has been pretty easy in terms of parking. It seems that the afternoon dives are the ones that require getting there plenty early to get a parking space. It was fabulous! Get in the water, Ham