Dive Report 4 March

The picture pretty well sums it. The air temperature was in the fifties somewhere. There was a significant breeze from the northwest. The water temperature was sixty-eight. The vis was about as long as I am tall. But, we did it. My open water student was in two three millimeter wetsuits with a beanie. We were at the channel to do our ascents in twenty minutes from the beach; she was a popsicle. Some people tolerate the cold; she isn't one of them (neither am I). In my drysuit (which I've been living in for the past several weeks) I was very comfortable, but blue lips on my student and shivering indicated that it was a "git 'r done" dive, and that is what we did. Rather than poking around and exploring all the wonderful critters residing at the bridge, we ran through the skill set in our forty minute dive. The bridge always has something though, and a medium-sized spotted eagle ray gave us a spectacular show right up close; it HAD to be real close, otherwise we wouldn't have seen it! If you have the tolerance for cold water, or if you have the exposure suit that works for you in cold water.....Get in the water, Ham