Dive Report 1 April

The water was a bit warmer today, seventy-five for Carrie and my one hour, twenty-five minute dive under the west bridge. We had a sunny and warm day for the 12:58 high tide, but the water was a little milky so our vis was somewhere around fifteen feet. Both of us were in our five millimeter wetsuits with three millimeter hooded vests. Surprisingly, I was very comfortable. Carrie said she felt a little chilled. Coming out of the water into an eighty degree afternoon was very nice. We saw two batfish, several octopuses, an unidentified hamlet (it might be a hybrid), a banded jawfish, a seahorse, and what might be a juvenile or intermediate sea hare (we really are just guessing) in addition to the regulars. During our dive we saw only three divers although there were quite a few more in the parking lot. It was a beautiful day to be in the water.
Get in the water, Ham