Dive Report 9 October

The vis was better today for a 4:47 high tide under overcast skies. Off the beach we had fifteen to twenty feet, but as we neared the pilings going west under the big bridge the water turned a shimmering green and the vis fell to about ten feet. The green tends to be closer to the surface. Off the beach one can see the layer of green on top of the clearer water beneath. The water temperature is still eighty-two. We saw a flying gurnard, the octopus in the pipe at the second set of pilings, a small spotted moray having a disagreement with a small scorpionfish, and a big bandtail searobin. We saw a flounder and Carrie was correct; it is a spotfin flounder, which according to Paul Humann's book is classified as "occasional" in Florida. Last week was the first time I have seen one. Get in the water, Ham

P.S. The diving offshore today (Friday) was exceptional! We had eighty plus feet of vis in a gentle north current on a very calm sea. It doesn't get much better!