Dive Report 26 February

Incredible vis at the bridge today! It had to be eighty feet! The vis offshore has been phenomenal lately and with the east wind, the blue water is fairly close to shore. The vis at the bridge today was probably a result of the close blue water. Even after slack the Intracoastal was as clear as a well-maintained swimming pool. A student, Carrie, and I did a one hour, fourteen minute run time in seventy-two degree water. Carrie got a bit cool at the end in her 5mm suit; I was pretty comfortable in my 5mm with a 3mm hooded vest. We saw a shortnose batfish and a flying gurnard among all the usuals which we could see from quite some distance. With the sun coming through it was an absolutely gorgeous morning underwater. Without question, the vis today was the best I've experienced in quite some time. What a treat! (Note: MANY turtles are being seen offshore almost everywhere. Reef sharks are very consistently observed on Area 51 and Captain Mike's. The lemon sharks have been seen frequently, although not on every dive, on Captain Mike's just on top of the ledge in the sand in 70'-75', and in quite a few other places. That is the problem with the lemon sharks, we're seeing them, but they are not consistently in one spot.) Get in the water; winter diving means lots of fish and critters, Ham