Dive Report 5 February

Colder than yesterday! I had an open water student who wants to complete certification before a dive vacation so into the water we went. The water temperature was sixty-four! I couldn't believe it; I must have looked at my computer half a dozen times to be sure. My student was in two 3mm wetsuits and was actually pretty comfortable. I didn't see him shiver and he didn't turn that telltale blue. We did a forty-seven minute dive. I would have been a popsicle if I'd been in a wetsuit; thank goodness for my DRYSUIT! The vis was a short five feet, but we navigated to the new wreck and out to the channel without any trouble. The toughest part of the day was getting out of the water. My student really felt the cold when the strong north wind met us. Amazingly, there were several other divers there. Crazy people probably. Get in the water (with enough exposure protection), Ham