Dive Picnic Report 29 March

What it's all about is what is was all about! It doesn't get much better than great diving and picnicking with friends. With Carrie's and Michele's much better vision I was able to watch TWO SEAHORSES and THREE OCTOPI! (I would have missed all but one of the octopi without my buddies finding them; another reason to dive with a buddy) We started out going to the new wreck over which a sailboat and platform on pontoons is moored. On our way to the bridge from there we spotted the first octopus, a shy one. The second octopus was more animated as he pushed an urchin from his lair. The third one was also shy and chose to stay withdrawn. The seahorses were right out in the open sand! Carrie moved one of them gently to cover, but it moved right back out into the open. The second seahorse was also right out in the open sand between the first and second sets of pillars. The water was a comfortable seventy-five degrees and the vis varied from ten feet to five feet. We had overcast skies, but the sprinkles held off until we had all finished eating (not like the last picnic in more exciting weather). Many thanks to Stan and Veronica for organizing, cooking, and all the work that goes into a successful outing. The Jupiter Drift Divers are a great group of people with whom to share diving experiences. If you are not a member of this very active club, check out their website at jupiterdriftdivers.org and consider joining this fun group of people. They have dives and informational meetings planned every month. Get in the water, Ham