Dive Report 9 May

Beautiful morning at the bridge (and everybody knew it!) Carrie and I arrived an hour and a half before high tide and were able to get a parking spot. Boaters were out in force and using car spaces for their trailers. (Don't get caught using a trailer space for your car! Apparently it is not a two-way street.) Anyway, the vis was better than thirty feet and the water was seventy-nine. I was in a three mm wetsuit and was toasty for our seventy minute dive. My young open water student didn't mention the temperature; he was way too busy. Carrie had a young Discover Scuba participant who also did not mention water temperature. It's NICE! Carrie saw a juvenile frogfish, a batfish, and, of course, many of the regulars. My student and I watched an octopus and an mantis shrimp in addition to many other attractions. Get in the water, Ham