Dive Report 23 December

We're not having the blizzard that is happening in the country's mid-section, but winter is coming; the water is getting colder. Yesterday my computer recorded seventy-five and seventy-seven for most of the dive. In my 5mm suit I was comfortable for our one hour, twenty minute dive. Tobin and my student in 3mm suits were becoming chilled toward the end. The air temperature was in the low seventies so getting out of the water wasn't uncomfortable. My fresh water shower at the fish cleaning station was, however, invigorating in the breeze! We saw a beautiful little spotted eagle ray cruising between the first and second set of pilings. A batfish was between the second and third set as well. The spadefish are in great numbers as illustrated by Tobin's photo. The little blue angelfish juvenile (Tobin's photo) is in the "canyon" between the boat channel pilings and the solid bridge support. Spotted eels and scorpionfish are everywhere. Tobin photographed a little web burrfish again. Mike Phelan was there with a species count of fifty-seven and he was taking pictures. Marv Caples was there with his camera rig. Check out his photos on the JDC site. With a bright, sunny day the vis was between fifteen and twenty feet. Put on your thicker neoprene and get in the water, Ham