Dive Report 8 January

Manatees again! The sixty-eight degree water might have something to do with it. I had three students in 3mm fullsuits. One was frozen ten minutes after entering the water. The other two did the one hour, twelve minute dive in relative comfort. I was in my drysuit and toasty. Carrie was in a 5mm with a light hooded vest (.5mm body, 3mm hood); she said she was pretty comfortable. The vis was eight to ten feet and pretty milky. Nevertheless, a manatee came by very close to us by the seawall that goes to the fishing pier from the beach. Batfish were on display as was the little yellow-head jawfish that has lived for MONTHS by the southern end of the third set of pilings. I love watching it "dance" to get its food. There is fabulous marine life at the bridge if you have figured out how to deal with the cold water. P.S. We saw five lemon sharks offshore at "Captain Mike's" on Thursday. BIG SHARKS! Get in the water, Ham