Dive Report 30 November

When the diver I was supposed to guide did not show up at the Bridge it was "Ham Mason's Day Off"! I entered the water at 8:45 for a 9:08 high tide, but I still got an hour and fifteen minute dive. The water temperature was seventy-seven; in my 5mm suit with a light hooded vest I was comfortable. Visibility varied from eight to ten feet with the water being milky everywhere. There were several flying gurnards scavenging about, none of whom were cooperative for the camera. They would spread their wings a little, but they did not want their picture taken. Oh well. Underwater photographer I am not so I looked for something that does not move much. A diver pointed out two seahorses to me which I would not have seen without her help. They were just off the beach by the seawall under the west bridge. On my way back along the beach in five feet of water I found another seahorse on my own! You can see why; it is a black seahorse against white sand. The other two that were pointed out to me were in grassy stuff and well hidden. There were reports from other divers of seahorse observations so apparently something is going on with them. Go see them! Get in the water, Ham