Dive Reprot 16 November

At least the water was not freezing; it was seventy-nine degrees. In my five millimeter suit I was toasty for the sixty-three minute dive south of the east bridge. And the parking was easy for our Friday 9:54 high tide dive. And the air temperature was mild. And my student was only twenty minutes late. Could have been worse.  (I'm thinking. I'm thinking. There has to be some more good stuff.) BUT......vis was six feet. That was doable for my advanced open water student who was doing compass and bag/finger spool skills. As we were preparing to inflate the bags from depth we almost ran into another student and instructor who were doing the same thing. We did not see them until they were... SIX feet away. Whoops. Excuse us; we'll just move over here. I brought the camera; I did not take any pictures. We saw some curious bar jacks who were entertained by our signal marker and finger spool exercises. A few yellow stingrays were hiding in the sand hoping we would not disturb them as we passed over them. After slack high tide the flotsam in the water was pretty thick. The high tide was one of the highest I have seen there completely surrounding the lifeguard station with 6" to 12" of water. It is November in south Florida.  Get in the water  (just do it), Ham