Dive Report 28 March

OK. Yes, I DO live at the bridge. Anyway, the conditions today were incredible. On the way south to the bridge I saw the blue water close to shore and knew it was going to be a fabulous day for vis. Two Discover Scuba students and I had an incredible dive under the big bridge in seventy-five degree water with thirty-plus feet of vis. A small spotted eagle ray made two passes, one at the beginning and one at the end. An enormous school of crevalle jacks, hundreds of them, surrounded us for about thirty seconds. Awesome experience! Always something I haven't seen before. Get in the water! Ham

Dive Report 27 March

Incredible day at the bridge! (I know you are wondering, "Is this guy there every day? What kind of a life is that?") I am there frequently, I admit. Anyway, today was a great day to be there as the vis was fabulous. The east wind IS our friend. We had over thirty feet of vis and I believe I'm being conservative. Water temperature was seventy-five. Nice. We did some skills practice and then poked around with the fish and critters. At the east bridge we saw blue, gray, and french angelfish, snook, barracuda, a BIG southern ray, beautiful sailfin blennies doing their thing, a sharptail eel trying to get a meal, and many of the other usual suspects; the fish collectors haven't trapped them all. The weather report looks great for continued good conditions at the bridges. Get in the water! Ham

Dive Report 26 March

Wow! What a difference a day can make (and a wind change)! The water temperature at the bridge was 77 today. Yes, 77! Gerry and I jumped in to do some skills practice and I couldn't believe how different the conditions were. Vis was about 15', much better than yesterday's 8'. The east wind is our friend it appears. We had a very nice dive under the big bridge. What a great day at work! Ham

Dive Report 25 March

The north wind is not our friend. We did a Discover Scuba today with 8' of vis in 71 degree water. Thank goodness our young new diver is a tough kid; we gave him a JDC Gorilla Diver stamp. The east wind forecast for the next couple of days should clear the water. We have our fingers crossed. Ham

Bridge Picnic Supper, Sunday, 13 April

The next get-together is Sunday, April 13 for a 3:39 high tide. We plan on entering the water at 3:15 so we'll be there about 2:30. At about 5:00 we'll have a picnic supper for those who wish to participate. It's a combination of byo and something to pass if you wish. This last week has been a good example of how fast conditions can change. On Thursday and Friday, 3/20 and 3/21, the vis at the bridge was 8'. On Saturday, 3/22, it was 30'. Guess which days I was there! The water temperature was 73.
We hope to see you on the thirteenth.
Dive safely,

Dive Report - 15 March

Gorgeous conditions! At the bridge water temperature 75! Vis 30' Air temperature 87! Divemaster Susan Lucas said offshore water temperature was 73-74 degrees, vis 60'

Dive Report - 14 March

Wow! At the bridge water temp 75! Vis 20' Spotted eagle ray and two of the resident shortnose batfish. Bruce Almberg said offshore temp was 75 and vis was 80' on Scarface, I think. What a change!


9 March Bridge Brunch


It's winter (I can hear the comments) at the bridge! The morning breeze wasn't directly out of the north, but it might just as well have been. Wow, we're getting soft here in south Florida.

Anyway, it was a beautiful, bright, sunny day (and yes, chilly) and the vis was pretty good considering the rough seas offshore. The tidal flows both ways were strong as I believe we have just had a new moon, and strong west winds are pushing the water.

Seven crazy people braved the conditions to dive the east bridge and it was fabulous. I was fortunate enough to get to follow Mike Phelan around and get a private fish ID tutorial. Thank you, Mike! I was trying to stay close enough to have him show me fish and still stay out of his way. We did fine. I didn't kick his mask or regulator once. The most interesting critter to me was what we believe was a sea hare. It was about twelve inches long and a very dark purple. I've looked in Paul Humann's book, but I don't see the one we saw.

The water was sixty-eight degrees so it was finally time to break out the dry suit. I had a wet suit with me, but sixty-eight degrees puts me in the dry suit. Mike and I did a seventy-three minute bottom with a nice tidal ride to the bridge and a nice tidal flow away from the bridge at the end.

A small group stayed after the dive to enjoy donuts, sweet pastries I can't name, bagels with cream cheese and jellies, and hot chocolate. The day had warmed up substantially by then and it was quite pleasant sitting at a picnic table in the sun.

Again, a special thanks to George McGuire for correcting the high tide time!
Thank you to Michele and Franck for setting up this blog space!

On Saturday, 12 April there is a 2:28 high tide at the bridge. On Sunday, 13 April there is a 3:39 high tide. Either one could easily be followed by a picnic.

Any preferences? Please let me know.
As Heather says, "Sometimes it pays to be a troll."


Click here to view today's pictures

Bridge Brunch - March 9, 2008


This week Gerry and I survived our training with Global Underwater Explorers in High Springs from one of the most skilled, experienced, and accomplished divers in the world. "In the world" is not an exaggeration. David Rhea is an incredible diver/instructor. It was a most humbling experience through which we learned a great deal. Wow!

Anyway, it appears that the conditions on Sunday will be "winter-like" in that the high forecasted for Sunday is 68 degrees. It won't be that at 9:00am. I like to dive on Mother Nature's terms, not mine, (although from time to time that would be nice) so I will be there a little after 9:00 for a 10:14 high tide.

We'll have bagels and cream cheese, jellies, hot chocolate, etc. for those who attend so please zip me an email so that I have an idea of how much to bring. If you want me to bring tanks and/or gear for you also please let me know.

Also, if you get the chance, sign up for a lemon shark dive at the shop. I was at the Zion series of wrecks Sat. and we watched eight of these magnificent beasts!

Dive safely,


PS: Remember that Sat. night daylight savings starts - spring ahead! or be late!