Dive Report 27 March

Incredible day at the bridge! (I know you are wondering, "Is this guy there every day? What kind of a life is that?") I am there frequently, I admit. Anyway, today was a great day to be there as the vis was fabulous. The east wind IS our friend. We had over thirty feet of vis and I believe I'm being conservative. Water temperature was seventy-five. Nice. We did some skills practice and then poked around with the fish and critters. At the east bridge we saw blue, gray, and french angelfish, snook, barracuda, a BIG southern ray, beautiful sailfin blennies doing their thing, a sharptail eel trying to get a meal, and many of the other usual suspects; the fish collectors haven't trapped them all. The weather report looks great for continued good conditions at the bridges. Get in the water! Ham