Dive Report 16 December

Yet again, something I've never seen before at the bridge! An ENORMOUS school of hundreds of horse-eye jacks encircled a school of silversides, and then the feeding frenzy began. This spectacle took place around my student and me right by the sunken sailboat off the beach in six feet of water. The hundreds of jacks were only inches from us. For a time it seemed the silversides knew the jacks would not come in for the attack while we were there. The silversides stayed right next to the sailboat and us. As soon as we left the sailboat the jacks attacked in an absolute frenzy that took them even inside the sailboat leaving the entire sailboat enveloped in a cloud of silt. A big southern ray ventured by to check out all the activity, but by then the jacks had pretty much cleared the area of any silversides. It was over pretty quickly. Even the gulls and a pelican or two were drawn to the activity that churned the water by the sailboat. Incredible! The water temperature was seventy-five. The vis was between twenty and thirty feet. I am so fortunate to live here! (Not at the bridge; you know what I mean.) Get in the water, Ham