Dive Report 28 December

Great day at the bridge! The vis was only 10' and the water was a cooler 73 degrees, but we had new open water students and old (not to be taken as a reference to their age because they don't act their age - thank goodness!) friends with whom to share the gorgeous day. It was nice to get out of the water into a WARM day. Very nice. The fresh water shower wasn't hard to take at all. The usual critters were there and we got to see a beautiful little seahorse. Bagels with cream cheese and jelly, and coffee and hot cocoa were enjoyed after the dive along with a good deal of very relaxed camaraderie. It was so good to see our northern (anything north of Stuart is northern) friends who drove a long way to start their diving day at the bridge and continue it offshore on the boat in the afternoon. Great way to do it. Again, so good to see everyone. Get in the water, Ham