Dive Report 3 April

A diver seeking a refresher cancelled because of a fear of the weather and I got to do a one-hour, twenty-two minute fun dive with Tobin under the little east bridge. The sky was overcast, but we never experienced more than sprinkles; not much of an effect on the diving except that there were few, if any people fishing from the bridge! I learned quite some time ago that if I sat at home because of a Florida thunder storm that might or might not happen, I'd miss many wonderful experiences. Tobin found a ten-inch mantis shrimp out of its hole. I have never seen one out its hole. We've played with them by dropping a small shell down a hole and watching the shrimp remove it, but this one was completely out in the open. Incredible! We also saw several octopi, one of which was quite large. A sharptail eel was poking around looking for a meal. The resident snook were around both the little wrecks under the bridge. The large schools of bermuda chub and atlantic spadefish were also there. A good number of french angels live under that bridge, too. To top things off, Tobin found a seahorse toward the western side of the bridge. In seventy-five degree water with about ten feet of vis we had a great dive. Get in the water, Ham