Dive Report 10 July

After several weeks out of the water, this happy camper, Tobin, has had a couple of nice dives in the last two days, one under the big bridge and today under the little east bridge. Today I was with a young student and her mother diving under the big bridge and the fishing pier (there was one man fishing from the pier). Carrie, Tobin, and some friends from the Philadelphia area dived under the little bridge. The water is a little green from all the rain we have been having. Vis was between ten and fifteen feet, sometimes shorter. The water was a degree or two colder today than yesterday at seventy-nine. Carrie reported many Atlantic Spadefish and many angelfishes. We saw pretty much the usual suspects as I was mostly watching my ten-year-old student. She did really well. At one point she caught her snorkel on an anchor line and her mask came off. Like an experienced diver she simply replaced her mask and cleared it. I was very impressed. I love, too, seeing the excitement of new divers as they see the starfish, the lobsters, the little flounders, the parrotfish, and all the other attractions. Nice day at the bridge with nice people. Get in the water, Ham