Dive Report 8 January

This report is a couple of days late, but it was a fabulous day to be at the bridge. The sunny day visibility was thirty feet! The water temperature was seventy-two. The air temperature was sixty-five, balmy compared to the thirty-two degrees and windy conditions we have this Sunday morning. I was scheduled to conduct a Discover Scuba, but the student backed out; I linked up with friends and dived anyway. We saw a little spotted eagle ray cruising between the second and third set of pilings. Six or seven lobster are hanging under the fishing pier. We are seeing large numbers of Atlantic spadefish out by the boat channel. In the "canyon" between the bridge support and the boat channel there is a beautiful juvenile blue angelfish. It's color is so bright you can't miss it. Juvenile french and gray angelfish are everywhere. The smallest southern stingray I've ever seen was out by the sailboat with the pontoon platform. We were in the water for an hour. In my 5mm wetsuit and 3mm hooded vest I was very comfortable. I'm scheduled to be at the bridge today and tomorrow, but I have postponed my dives until the windchill climbs above the twenties forcast for today. Get in the water (when the windchills get back to a more normal level), Ham