Dive Report 16 July

An hour and fifty-three minutes in eighty-four degree water with fifteen to twenty feet of vis! It doesn't get much better! In addition, we found a fish, the identity of which is a mystery to us. It is the first picture. There is always something I have not seen before at the bridge. Carrie came face-to-face with an adult spotted eagle ray. An adult southern ray cruised the beach in six feet of water. Several batfish posed calmly for the camera as did the yellow head jawfish. An ocotpus did a beautiful swim for us. (I did not chase it.) I watched a sharptail eel search for its lunch. Tobin and I were in dive skins while Carrie was wearing a two mm suit. We were all toasty warm. Even though it was a weekday, there were quite a few cars there. You can't blame folks for wanting to be in the water on such a perfect day for it. It's time! Get in the water, Ham