Dive Report 3 September

It was a great day for compass work; we had 5' of vis! There were actually some other lunatic divers in the water. This is a picture of them. At least we had a good reason to be there. Advanced open water navigation work does not require much vis. Why the others were there is beyond me. In five feet of vis we had a very difficult time keeping track of each other let alone seeing anything that did not bump into us. The eighty-six degree water was pleasant. Again, no wetsuits were required for our one hour, twenty-eight minute dive (no, it did not take us that long to find our way out!) A pre-dive electric storm cleared the parking lot that contained only a few cars in the first place. My students had a great dive being very successful at following compass bearings. The dive turned out much better than I expected. It is not surprising to be surprised at the Bridge. Get in the water, Ham