Dive Report 23 October

NIGHT DIVE! The beach officially closes at sunset, but the Jupiter Dive Center has a permit that allows designated divers to use the beach until 10pm (way past my bedtime). Veronica of the Jupiter Drift Divers chose Saturday night to do a club dive through the JDC. She could not have made a better choice. It was hitting the trifecta: Saturday night (sleep in on Sunday), 9:11pm high tide (perfect timing), and a full moon (lots of light)! Tobin and I entered the water a little after 8:00. It was quite dark by then. Off the beach not far from the swimming area we poked around the little center console wreck and then worked our way over to the upside-down wreck. The tidal current in that area is weak so divers can enter the water well before slack high tide and not have to fight a current. There were a zillion little lobsters especially on the upside-down wreck. Navigation was easy as the vis was fabulous. On our way to the boat channel Tobin found a gorgeous octopus out hunting. Others in the dive club saw several stargazers. An enormous southern ray startled me a bit as it flew almost directly over me out of the dark. It was a great outing for the Jupiter Drift Divers, a very active club of great people. I was very comfortable in a 3mm fullsuit in 81 degree water for our one hour, twenty-eight minute dive. It was very much worth staying up past my bedtime! Get in the water, Ham