Dive Report 24 October

Beautiful, sunnny day at the bridge! Even though it was a Sunday, the 9:46 high tide was before the picnickers arrive so the parking wasn't too much of a problem. Of course, every dive shop within 50 miles (or more) was there, but there is plenty of space (except out at the channel at slack high tide). The vis was actually a little shorter than it was for the night dive the night before. And that is BEFORE all the students entered the water kicking up the bottom just as you and I did when we started. Anyone following me in the early days of my diving probably thought a herd of buffalo had just passed through. Carrie concurs noting that trim is not much of a concern when survival is overloading all the other circuits. Anyway, an AOW student doing compass work (and working on TRIM) and I saw a blackwing searobin and a batfish among all the other critters in 81 degree water. The vis was ten to fifteen feet (not around the aforementioned students). In a 3mm wetsuit and thin hooded vest I was very comfortable for our one hour, twenty minute dive. Get in the water, Ham