Dive Report 9 October

It was pretty green, but well worth the effort to make the dive. Tobin discovered the beautiful frogfish out pretty close to the boat channel in about 9' of water. He was carrying the camera and took the accompanying shots. There were a couple of mantis shrimp and a blackwing searobin. (I am taking the opportunity while I'm writing about fish to apologize for mistakenly identifying the striped burrfish as a web burrfish in earlier blogs. I'm learning.) The camera is a great tool for learning fish and critter identification as its memory is significantly better than mine. Anyway, Carrie, my open water student and I wore 3mm wetsuits for our one hour, twenty-four minute dive and were very comfortable in the 81 degree water. Tobin's computer read 78 degrees at the boat channel. I think he was in a dive skin for his hour and a half dive. The vis was around eight to ten feet. Considering the very rough seas of the last several days, I was amazed that the vis was as good as it was. The incredible fish and critters are there regardless of the vis. If the vis is short, bring your magnifying glass and look at the little stuff up close. Always something to see at the bridge. Get in the water, Ham