Dive Report 12 November

Today we definitely experienced the effects of the big surf offshore (8' to 10'); we had six feet of vis and the water temperature dropped two degrees to seventy-seven. My two open water students, here from NY, were game to give it a go. I think it is a good experience to dive in not-so-easy conditions. We have many more opportunities to dive if we're not "cupcake divers." My two students are comfortable in the water and despite their misgivings at the start, we had a nice one hour, ten minute dive. They were in 3mm full suits and I was in a 5mm.(They are from up north! Nobody complained, and I didn't tell them what I was wearing). Of course, anything we saw was up close, but we managed to see a batfish, a searobin, a couple of sharptail eels, a pair of adult french anglefish, and many others. Navigation without surfacing was a challenge, but if one dives the bridge enough, the junk becomes welcome navigation aids. I just kept giving my student compass bearings and the very enthusiastic twelve-year-old guided the way. We had a bright, sunny day with an eighty degree air temperature. It was nice! Again and again, we don't know unless we go. Get in the water, Ham