Dive Report 25 December

Four of us enjoyed 73 degree water with twenty feet of vis under a bright, mostly sunny sky. I was comfortable for our one hour, twenty minute dive in my 5mm wetsuit and 3mm hooded vest. We did the "Michele Route" going directly to the fishing pier and working our way west. (Of course, we did the "Michele Route"; Michele led the dive!) We saw two species of batfish, a sharptail eel, a spotted moray eel, many blue, gray, and french angelfish of all stages, pufferfishes, many lobsters, banded coral shrimp, Atlantic spadefish, and, unfortuately, two lionfish. We were able to dispatch one of the lionfish, but the other eluded us. We can only hope to control their numbers at the bridge and on our dive sites offshore. Nevertheless, we enjoyed a beautiful Christmas morning in south Florida. It doesn't get any better. Get in the water, Ham