Dive Report 17 October

Fabulous morning for a dive! Being a morning person (I know some of you just can not relate to that) I love early morning dives at the bridge. This morning was about as early a slack high tide we can have and still be diving in sunlight. Sunrise was at 7:20 I think and high tide was at 8:11. It was gorgeous! My two open water students Michael and his son, Noah (Michael is a certified diver taking the course with his son) were treated to a spotted eagle ray hunting for breakfast and a good-sized school of horse-eye jacks hunting for anything that moves. The jacks came by as we were doing an alternate air source ascent; I had to stop Michael and Noah mid-ascent to see the jacks swirling all around us. (An alternate air source ascent should be that slow and comfortable anyway.) The vis was exceptional for the bridge. It had to be between twenty and thirty feet. We could see way out into the boat channel from the eastern side of the pilings marking the channel. The water temperature was eighty-four. Michael and Noah wore light wetsuits and I wore a diveskin. We were all very comfortable for our one hour, seventeen minute dive. For one of the best dives in south Florida, it's worth getting up a little early on a Saturday morning! Get in the water, Ham