Dive Report 25 October

Perfect day for a picnic! The parking was EASY! Oh, and the weather and diving conditions were superb also. It's all about being with your friends. My face is a little sore this Monday morning because I laughed so much both on the dive and at the post-dive picnic. Rob and Sharon found the elusive "frogfish" as demonstrated in the photo. We scoured the area under the west bridge, but didn't see a real frogfish. A batfish, a banded jawfish, a tiny, tiny french angelfish, and of course the ever-friendly Atlantic spadefish were all there in vis that varied from a few feet to ten to fifteen feet. Vis was better out by the channel. The water temperature was eighty-four. I was in a 3mm wetsuit and more than toasty. A dive skin would have been fine. After the dive we enjoyed gorgeous weather (no sign of the customary shower that often accompanies our picnics). Michele brought bison burgers and Norman grilled them to perfection. Arnold Palmers and iced tea with plenty of lemon (for Rob) were the beverages of the afternoon. It was a joyous afternoon with our wonderful friends. It doesn't get any better! Get in the water, Ham