Dive Report 6 May

FROGGIE III! No kidding! BUT...there were TWO frogfishes where yesterday there was one. I think spring has something to do with it. We also saw a web burrfish, a batfish, a bandtail searobin (smallest one I've ever seen), and at least ten octopuses. They were everywhere. We watched one capture an almost-dead cowfish and drag it to its lair. Big octopus. Little lobsters are all over the "canyon". We had fifteen to twenty feet of vis in seventy-nine degree water. I was comfortable in my 5mm fullsuit and 3mm hooded vest, but our student was cold in a 3mm fullsuit at the end of our one hour, thirty-two minute dive. Getting out of the water into an air temperature of eighty-seven was nice. We could see thunderstorms forming to the southwest, but they didn't reach us before we cleaned up and left the park. What a great day at the bridge! Get in the water, Ham