Dive Report 29 May

Phenomenal dive at the bridge today! What a list of critters! We saw a juvenile lionfish, a stargazer, a bandtail searobin, a shortnose batfish, a yellowhead jawfish, a beautiful juvenile blue angelfish, and octopuses all over the dive site, two of them being either really friendly or really unfriendly; I know nothing about octopus behavior (it is spring, though). The vis was between twenty-five feet and thirty feet, exceptional for the bridge. The water temperature was eighty-two. In my 3mm suit and a 3mm hooded vest I was toasty. There were 3,056,712 dive students there, but the vis where we were, with a couple of exceptions, wasn't really affected. A warm, sunny day really topped it all off. What a great day to be there with old friends and new friends. It doesn't get any better. Get in the water, Ham