Dive Report 13 April

Wow! What an adventure in what is normally a pretty placid place. Gorilla picnickers! The front that was supposed to come through at midnight apparently didn't inform the forecasters of a change in arrival. I've never seen whitecaps that high on the intracoastal. It amazes me how fast the weather in Florida can change. What REALLY amazes me is how the cook never left his post even during the height of the storm! Pouring rain in high winds and the grill was never abandoned. Picnickner's Medal of Valor for the cook! I've never seen anything like it. Wonderful foods from gorilla picnickers were abundant and we all did our best to devour it all. Despite the marginal diving conditions, the divers all got to experience some of what bridge diving has to offer. If the divers enjoyed the dive under those conditions, they will absolutely love it when the water is clearer and calmer. Thank you to everyone who attended and made the get-together an "event to be remembered". The Jupiter Drift Divers are a fun group of folks with a great sense of adventure and a greater sense of humor. I had a fabulous time. See you next month for a dive on the east bridge, Ham