Dive Reports 20 and 21 April

Two gorgeous dive days in a row after a week of rough weather! I thought the vis would be real short on Sunday after a week of big northeast swells and 7' to 9' waves, but Mother Nature fooled me again with wonderful conditions at both the east bridge on Sunday and the big bridge on Monday. We had thirty feet of vis on both days just before slack tide. The water temperature on Sunday was seventy-seven; on Monday it was seventy-five. Sunday was barracuda day under the east bridge as there had to be almost twenty of them. Monday's dive produced a beautiful polka-dot batfish and a web burrfish. The vis was good enough Monday so that we could easily see each of the three off-beach wrecks from each other. Of course on Mondays, the place is almost abandoned; there were six other divers. Play hooky; get in the water, Ham