Dive Report 15 April

Mating season at the east bridge! Four of us entered the water at 5:35 for a 5:52 high tide and were treated to twenty feet of vis. The water temperature ranged from seventy-five to seventy-seven degrees in shallower water, much warmer than the air and windchill. A nice, slow pace rewarded us with a show of eyed flounder mating. What a dance the two performed before spawning. Horseshoe crabs were either playing leap frog or mating. It depends on the age of your dive buddy. We watched a dark mantis shrimp excavating for whatever reason they excavate along the western seawall. Two beautiful blue angelfish intermediates in the little runabout wreck just off the beach topped off the very relaxing dive. The dive flag was hooked by a fisherman, but by simply allowing him to lift the flag out of the water, he unhooked his line and dropped the flag back in. No problems. The stiff north north west wind greeted us with a hearty hello and encouraged us to quickly get out of our gear and into dry clothes and boat coats. It was worth it. I ALWAYS see something I've never seen before at the bridge! Get in the water, Ham