Dive Report 21 September

The moon jellyfish and the stingies that go with them are still a problem at the Bridge. Carrie and I did a one hour, forty-nine minute dive in eighty-six degree water with fifteen feet of vis. We saw the moon jellyfish as soon as we entered the water an hour before the posted slack high tide. As we proceeded east around the swim area to dive the east bridge, we saw quite a few jellyfish, but we were able to avoid them. Nevertheless, we both received minor stings from critters or critter-material we couldn't see. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" anyway, to see what was happening under the east bridge. The resident Atlantic spadefish were there in force. I watched a juvenile sharptail eel for a few minutes as it hunted. On our way back to the beach, just south of the east bridge, we saw a small nurse shark, the first shark I have ever seen at the bridge. Carrie and I saw two other divers; have to love the weekday dives! Get in the water, Ham