Dive Report 31 August

Fooled again! Thank goodness! With the rough seas from the last several days I anticipated short vis at the bridge today. I had no students so Carrie and I did a very leisurely two hour, six minute dive in eighty-six degree water with better than TWENTY feet of vis! I really didn't expect the conditions to be so good. On top of it all, there were only a few other divers and we saw them briefly twice. It was pretty much like having the whole place to ourselves. We saw three batfish, two octopuses, a bandtail searobin, a banded jawfish, and the yellowheaded jawfish that has been on the east side of the third set of pilings for several weeks. We looked for the goldspotted eel that we saw a few days ago at the western end of the fishing pier, but we did not find it. We did not find the frogfish or yellow garden eel either. It was, however, yellow stingray day as we saw at least half a dozen in fairly close proximity to each other by the center console boat wreck. A BIG southern ray cruised by us in the shallow water between the sea wall and the first set of pilings. I like to return to the beach in that shallow water because we often see rays there. So despite the pounding surf which I thought would be mixing sand into the water to create a milky mess, we had very good vis in warm water with very few other people in the water. What do I know? The bridge always has a surprise, BUT we have to go to know. We have to "Get in the water", Ham